Monday, May 9, 2011


Right after WWII as the communism was taking control of Eastern Europe, many americans feared that they might also tried to take over the United States. The HUAC was a group created by the government of the U.S. during WWII to watch alleged people that were passing valuable information from military secrets to other countries. The HUAC began not only to watch the alleged “spies” but they began a new project which was to destroy communism at all in the united states. Once more comments about communism were flying around the FBI agents involved by tapped phone lines, listening to conversations between suspected “reds”

In 1947 the HUAC focus its attention in the glamorous movie industry of all America Hollywood. Looking for actors, writers, and film directors who they thought could be communists.

In the fall of 1947 HUAC called on 43 witnesses to testify about Hollywood’s communism.

In November of 1947 announced that they will not employed any communist in their industries.

March 29, 1951 Spies like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were found guilty of espionage after they negated.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed on June 19, 1953. Many American supported the Rosenberg’s execution.

February 9, 1950 Joseph McCarthy a US senator from Wisconsin made a speech explaining the fact that 205 government workers who were members of the American Communists Party.

1951 McCarthy attacked former secretary of state George C. Marshall.

January 1953 Dwight became president. Dwight was on McCarthy list.

December 2,1954 us senate passed a censure motion .

1957 McCarthy died from alcoholism


  1. i knoww =)
    thank yu christian

  2. so interesting i didn't knew that U.S. had to fight so hard against the communisn

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a really good information, from where I learned an small part of how communism was interfere with the feelings of the Americans.

  5. Very good timeline. Do you feel the Rosenbergs were guilty of their crime? Was there any proof?

    Also...what does the HUAC stand for?

  6. mister there are a lot websites that can help yu answer yur questions ..... =)

  7. But I'm asking you...this is how a discussion gets started.

  8. Well, I learned that HUAC stands for House of Un-American Activities Committee and it is a group of senators who investigate Americans that were suspected of treason(betraying) against the Country and break down communism.
